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What are the most in-demand jobs for 2024?

If you were looking for these keywords online, this post is for you: "What are the most in-demand...

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7 Insights from AI Prompt Engineering Training

I am grateful to have received a certificate in AI Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT.
Here are my 7...

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One Career Advice for my Younger Self as a Career Coach.

I celebrated my birthday in June.

Here is one career advice for my 20 sth. year-old self:


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(Legal) Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: An Interview with Dr. Dominic Oertly

Hello dear reader. This month is the launch of a new online interview and collaboration series to...

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My LinkedIn stats decreased by 87%. Here is why.

In 2 weeks, my LinkedIn stats were down by 87%.
Why was it coffee-related and OK?

Hello busy...
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5 Free AI Training Resources Online for Professionals (2024)

Busy professional, entrepreneur or intrapreneur interested in reskilling about AI?

Were you...

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About a Resilient and Inspirational Woman.

I lost my aunt unexpectedly recently.

She was an inspiring human being going through difficulties...

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Growth Mindset Matters. 6 Lesser-Known Benefits.

Research has demonstrated that embracing a growth mindset can help in accomplishing your...

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My Three Insights from World Economic Forum, Davos (2024)

I had the opportunity to join the World Woman Foundation Davos Agenda on the 18th of...

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Are you Grasping the Opportunities for Your e-Platform?

Running a successful online platform requires not only attracting visitors but also understanding...

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