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Future of Work - "Hybrid Skills" in a Nutshell.

Feb 13, 2025

Have you heard of the concept of hybrid skills? This micro-post is about 5 actions to consider, if you`d like to build up on your hybrid skills to be future of work ready. 

Why Identify your Hybrid Skills? 

Roles are changing. To stay relevant, we need a blend of skills. 
Some call them "hybrid skills". 

What Does Hybrid Skills Mean?

According to the article here, hybrid skills are like (I quote) "a bridge between purely technical or purely soft skills.

Don`t Know Where to Start? 

Here are 5 key actions to consider:
(Resource/Credit:  The Rise Of Hybrid Skills: What You Need To Stay Competitive At Work)

1. Evaluate emerging trends.
2. Identify key shifts in your specific industry.
3. Check for patterns in what employers are looking for.
4. Make a skill assessment and identify your hybrid skills.
5. Look for cross-disciplinary opportunities to expand your expertise.

Which one of the above actions have you already taken, or will you start taking? 

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