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My LinkedIn stats decreased by 87%. Here is why.

May 25, 2024
In 2 weeks, my LinkedIn stats were down by 87%.
Why was it coffee-related and OK?

Hello busy professional who is reading this post today.

Data shows:) that there was a correlation between
my coffee consumption and LinkedIn
impressions during the last two weeks.

During some of that time, I was visiting family and
friends in my hometown, and drinking coffee
(not spending time as usual on the platform).
This is also when my impressions on LinkedIn
were down by 87%.

Here are a few thoughts:

- Time spent with family and friends is
beyond any measurement or KPI
(Key Performance Indicator).

- Progress on digital platforms are with ups and downs.
Context matters. Keep on focusing on the
bigger picture. Here is more on that
from a previous experience and post on my platform:

- I am also grateful to be back home and have my family
and good friends here. (PS: This is an old picture.
I am writing this on my work desk
which doesn`t have that view.)

Wish you a nice weekend. Who can relate?


ALT TEXT: Coffee in a white coffee cup on a brown table. 
In the background is a green nature view and a lake.
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