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7 Insights from AI Prompt Engineering Training

Jul 29, 2024

I am grateful to have received a certificate in AI Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT.
Here are my 7 key insights after having completed the online training:

7. Google Trends data show that this is a popular question: "Can anyone become a prompt engineer?" So, I`ll start with that one. My subjective answer is yes. There are so many free and paid courses online. I used the following approach for my learning journey: look at the available options, make a shortlist and start with one; keep learning and implementing the learnings. In the digital strategy and digital training fields, I have already been using prompts for a few years and using AI tools to help save time from video creation, planning, scheduling meetings, and helping clients save time. I thought a certification would help to have a deeper dive. The training helped me learn even more about the patterns.

6. Creativity still matters with prompting in the AI world.

5. Always keep ethics and data privacy in mind. 

4. There is an intuition behind the prompts.

3. There are various patterns I`ll probably use more often.
(Personna pattern, cognitive verifier pattern,
template pattern & tail generation pattern.
(This counts for me doing buzzword
dropping, I admit and thank you
for your understanding. Stay tuned
for simplified versions.)

2. Prompts are more than questions for Large 
Language Models (LLMs).

They are about giving complex instructions.
If your input is generic, you`ll get 
generic output.

1. Learning never stops.

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