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About a Resilient and Inspirational Woman.

Apr 10, 2024

I lost my aunt unexpectedly recently.

She was an inspiring human being going through difficulties with grace. 


She lost her husband relatively early and was a single mom.

She witnessed her brother being in a wheelchair after an accident.


Her grandchild passed away last year along with some of our relatives. 

And this happened just in a week due to an earthquake.


She moved to another city after her 60`s, because her home no longer existed.


All with grace.

These didn’t stop her to choose thoughtful.

To respectfully share her thoughts, emotions, and choose kind.

And here I don’t mean choosing “nice” or toxic positivity.

She both took responsibility and chose kind.


To me, she was an example of resilience and inspiration.

She chose how to respond (not react) to these challenges and cared about what she could do to change things for the better around her.


She didn’t go to a university. 

Not to a high school. 

Yet, she was one of my genuine supporters all these years at or after school.


She was there not to only share our challenging moments, but also to celebrate the beautiful moments. 


We didn’t see each other or speak often.

But, I felt that she was there for me, us, and others.


The last few weeks, several other inspiring people I’ve met or was in some way, shape or form in communication reminded me of her inspiring values. 

The lovely friend of 20+ years I met in Switzerland, friends I was in contact with, some people I got to know recently being open to share their stories, or some people at work. I am grateful.


We all have personal challenges, which we might prefer not to share on LinkedIn, social media or at work. It is often considered “not professional”. I understand and respect this, yet not sure I’d fully agree to share only the great, happy, shiny, and successful moments.


We are human "beings", not human "doings" (I couldn’t find exacty whom this quote belongs to originally, but it is not mine). When sharing that we all have these moments (with boundries and without comparison), it can help serve someone who is, was or will be going through a challenging time.


“You don’t know what people are going through. Choose kind.” Anonymous.

This is for all other inspiring people out there for chosing kind in challenging moments and for the memory my lovely aunt. Kindness is an inspiration and a strength. Please keep on choosing it. 


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