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LinkedIn SSI Score Explained (2024) - Where to find SSI Score

Jun 02, 2023

As a founder, coach, or corporate executive who is new on LinkedIn, are you ready to create your online brand, make professional connections, and expand your business?  Then this blog post on a hidden gem is for you.

LinkedIn has become a must-have tool for professionals worldwide, allowing interactions between job seekers, entrepreneurs, and enterprises. While you may be familiar with the basics, some hidden gems can take your LinkedIn experience to the next level. One of these is the Social Selling Index, or SSI score, which can provide you with information about how well you're performing on the platform.

Do you know what percentage of social sellers on LinkedIn outsell those who don`t use social media? According to *LinkedIn, it is 78%. Please read that sentence again: 78% of social sellers outsell those who don`t use social media. That is critical data for your attempts in building a professional brand on LinkedIn.

This post will help you to maximize your professional networking efforts by covering the following:

  1. What is LinkedIn Social Selling Index, or LinkedIn SSI score?
  2. Where to Find LinkedIn SSI Score? (What is LinkedIn SSI score URL?)
  3. How to Interpret your SSI Score
  4. What are the Four Elements LinkedIn Considers When Calculating SSI Score?
  5. Top Six Lesser-Known Things About LinkedIn's Social Selling Index

Let`s discover more about each of them.

  1. What is LinkedIn Social Selling Index, or SSI score?

Consider your SSI score to be an assessment of your LinkedIn superpowers.

LinkedIn says, I quote: "Your Social Selling Index (SSI) measures how effective you are at establishing your professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insights, and building relationships."

2. Where can I discover my SSI score? (What is the URL for LinkedIn's SSI score?)

Click on this link to see your LinkedIn SSI score: Social Selling Index | Sales Navigator (linkedin.com)

(If you are not logged in to your LinkedIn, you`ll first need to log in.)

3. How to Interpret Your SSI Score

After the SSI score assesses the various elements you`ll find in the next paragraph of this post, it provides you with a number that symbolizes how well you're performing on LinkedIn. The scale runs from one to one hundred.

The higher the score, the more powerful your LinkedIn brand. But don't be concerned if your score isn't immediately high. Building your network and developing your LinkedIn profile takes time and you can always improve.

4. How Can You Raise Your SSI Score? What factors does LinkedIn take into account when calculating the SSI score?

According to the LinkedIn page here, LinkedIn examines four crucial aspects to determine how good you are at utilizing LinkedIn for networking and creating your professional identity. These four areas are as follows:

  •  Enhancing Your Professional Brand
  •  Finding the Right People
  •  Engaging with Insights
  • Building Relationships

"OK, but what does this mean?" you could ask. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

✅Enhancing Your Professional Brand

By optimizing your LinkedIn profile, crafting compelling content, and actively engaging with your connections, you can elevate your professional brand. Building a good LinkedIn profile is one the first steps to start your journey.

One action you can take: Have a complete LinkedIn profile. (e.g., add skills, featured posts, about me section, etc.) This post can help you to start if you are new on this. 👉🏾👉 Top 6 simple, easy to implement LinkedIn Tips for Beginners (coachdigital.ch) 

✅Finding the Right People

Just like in real life, connecting with the right people on LinkedIn is crucial. It's like building a network of individuals in your area of business. The SSI score considers how well you're finding and connecting with these relevant people.

One action you can take: Broaden your network on LinkedIn. (e.g.: By becoming a part of relevant professional LinkedIn groups, adding connections, and following, etc.)

✅Engaging with Insights

LinkedIn is full of valuable information, like articles, news, and industry updates. Engaging with insights means staying informed and actively participating in discussions. It's like being in the know and contributing your thoughts to important conversations. The SSI score looks at how much you engage with these insights, too. Becoming a thought leader by publishing meaningful posts can be listed under this headline.

One action you can take: Publish posts on LinkedIn (share content like videos, pictures, carousels, links, etc.) that are meaningful for your audience, and which create value for them and their business challenges. Remember being consistent will also help create better results.

Here is one tip: Remember using a Call to Action (Which is called CTA) at the end of your posts with hashtags (#). What do you want people to do after they read your post? (e.g.: “Follow me for content on #digitalmarketing, #executivecoaching, #howtomakelemonade😊”, “Reshare if you find this post helpful.”, “Found this useful? Visit www.coachdigital.ch for more.”, “Thanks for reading. If you liked this post, you`ll love our newsletter. Subscribe and join our community of 50K people.”, “Follow our company page to stay updated with our latest news.” etc.)

✅Building relationships

Building relationships is all about connecting with people on a deeper level. It's about making meaningful connections where you can exchange ideas, seek advice, and collaborate. The SSI score considers how well you're building relationships by connecting with others and engaging with their content.

One action you can take: Engage with the content you find valuable by leaving meaningful comments regularly.

5. The Top Six Lesser-Known Facts About LinkedIn's Social Selling Index

The following are the top six lesser-known facts regarding LinkedIn's Social Selling Index (SSI) that will help you maximize your professional networking efforts:

  1. Fluctuation: Because it is updated on a regular basis, your LinkedIn SSI score fluctuates over time. It is a dynamic score of your LinkedIn activity rather than a fixed number. Your score can change as you interact with the site, connect with new people, post content, and establish connections. LinkedIn also adjusts the SSI scoring algorithm on a regular basis, so you can observe swings in your score as a result of these updates.
  2. Scoring System: The SSI score is not merely an average of the four pillars (professional brand, discovering the right people, engaging with insights, and relationship building). LinkedIn employs a weighted scoring methodology, which means that certain activities or behaviors can have a higher impact on your score than others.
  3. Individual Scores for Each of the Four Pillars: Although the SSI score is reported as a single figure, LinkedIn also provides individual scores for each of the four pillars. These pillar scores provide a more extensive breakdown of performance in specific categories. You can determine the strengths and limitations of your LinkedIn approach by reviewing your pillar scores and focusing on certain components to improve your overall SSI score.
  4. Industry Benchmarking: For SSI scores, LinkedIn provides an industry benchmark. It can provide useful information about how successfully you use LinkedIn within your industry. (The industry you selected when building your LinkedIn profile.)
  5. Network Comparison: In addition to industry benchmarking, LinkedIn offers network comparisons for your SSI score. This means you can examine how your score compares to other experts in your network.
  6. Using Sales Navigator: LinkedIn's Sales Navigator is a premium product with sophisticated capabilities to help you speed your sales and networking efforts.

Here is a summary of what you`ve read:

  1. What is LinkedIn Social Selling Index, or LinkedIn SSI score?
  2. Where to Find LinkedIn SSI Score? (What is LinkedIn SSI score URL?)
  3. How to Interpret your SSI Score
  4. What are the Four Elements LinkedIn Considers When Calculating SSI Score?
  5. Top Six Lesser-Known Things About LinkedIn's Social Selling Index

I hope this helps you gain a quick understanding of the LinkedIn SSI Score and get started on your journey. As a new founder, coach, or executive from the corporate world who is new on LinkedIn, I am confident that continuing to use it to connect and establish meaningful business relationships and create valuable content for your audience/network will help you grow your digital brand and business online.

I wish you good luck and a lot of success in your journey. You`ve got this😊

✅If you liked this post, you might also find this interesting: Top 6 simple, easy to implement LinkedIn Tips for Beginners (coachdigital.ch)


*The Social Selling Index (SSI) | LinkedIn Sales Solutions

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