Kind Words From Coaching Clients

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What customers are saying...

“I totally enjoyed the coaching experience with Tuba. Her coaching style is creative, inspirational, and fun. Tuba has fantastic listening skills, and she creates a safe and non-judgmental environment for her coaching sessions. Her empathy, her calmness and her humor supported me in my personal development and in the definition of meaningful goals. The professional coaching tools combined with her ability to mobilize for actions was remarkable. It helped me get clarity on my strengths and vision. Plus, the effective, relevant coaching strategy enabled me to take measurable actions. I recommend Tuba to any client who wants to grow in their current life phase.”

Hannes Eckardt, Director of Sales, Microsoft, Switzerland

“I genuinely recommend everyone who wants to discover and maximize their potential, to take a coaching journey with Tuba to explore their own creativity and possibilities.  In brief, we processed together how to transform my humble hobbies into more subtle art practice. She supported me to develop a new thinking methodology as well as vivid self - motivation strategies towards my vision of an art practice. Thanks to her brilliant sense of humor, emotional intelligence together with her agile professional attitude, my coaching experience with her was extremely positive.”

Elif Deidda, Group Compliance Auditor, International Banking Group, Milan, Italy

"The coaching experience with Tuba has been super valued to me. I appreciate how she is able to show a high level of professionalism, holding myself accountable with my own choices, combined with a warm attitude.  I thank her for the summaries of my own words, which helped me organize my thoughts that seemed to be disconnected. She always found sense in them - she has the power to make the complex look simple! She made me recognize my successes & also face my shadows, those aren`t always easy to admit they are there, but super important to build my self-awareness. Having the complete picture of my inner drivers, strengths & weaknesses in front of me, enabled the reflection on my own career journey, so that I felt comfortable to make decisions for my future. I totally recommend Tuba's coaching services for anybody willing to get to know themselves better & take the driver seat of their life.”

Paula Nakagawa, Global Lead DIA Manufacturing Product Line, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland

"I had a highly pleasant coaching experience with Tuba which resulted in tangible improvements toward my personal goals. Throughout the sessions, she doesn't only ask powerful questions which help you recognize things in a powerful way but also supports you in linking to your objectives & acknowledging how far you have indeed gone. Her exceptional listening skills come across session after session, where she connects to points from previous discussions that you might have forgotten about. This definitely makes you realize the entire journey rather than individual sessions.  Along with these, I have two big wins from my coaching: 1) Through our practices, I was able to test my learning & take tangible, measurable actions toward my objectives, 2) I learned techniques that will help me in the future.   I would recommend a coaching relationship with Tuba without any doubt.”

Ilke Oner, Chief of Staff, Global Pharma Company, Basel, Switzerland

Website Audit Consultancy Testimonial (In German)

"Deine Erklärungen waren sehr klar, verständlich und mit viel Ermutigung ausgesprochen. Du hast Dir Zeit genommen und immer wieder nachgefragt, ob ich alles verstehe. Ich habe mich sehr ernst genommen und gut aufgehoben bei Dir gefühlt. Deine verständnisvolle und empathische Vorgehensweise hat mir sehr zugesagt und meine Fragen wurden alle beantwortet. Ich werde jederzeit wieder für eine Beratung bei Dir anfragen.”

C. Buntschu, Founder of BC Coaching (, Switzerland

"I’ve experienced Tuba as a genuinely passionate and trustworthy coach. Her deep willingness to help her coachee achieve positive outcomes through her engaging communication, purposeful goal setting and results-focused coaching style sets her apart from other coaches. She gently guides her coachee and creates positive awareness and learning. Her expertise and deep understanding of human behaviour and motivation, paired with her excellent active listening skills make her an outstanding coach.”

C.J., Founder, Strategy Consulting Company, Switzerland