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Executive & Career Coaching


Uncover your career potential by moving forward with clarity & growth mindset.


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Kind Words from Coaching Clients

Great that you are here.


  • I help brilliant professionals with growth mindset like you simplify complex career and digital business topics, so that they can focus on what is impactful and meaningful in their journey. 

  • With nearly 20 years in the business world, I am a certified agile coach and a digital marketing & communications leader. Thanks to my experience at two Global Fortune 500 companies, local start-ups, and digital advertising agencies in four different countries I can help you connect the dots in your career and digital business challenges.

  • Majority of the clients say that I help them achieve positive outcomes, and blend creativity and humour into their journey, too. Do you wish to learn more?

View my credentials now

Career Coaching Offers


- Career Transition Coaching 

- Interview Preparation Coaching

- Work & Life Harmony Coaching

- Salary Negotiation Coaching

- Coaching for Early in Career Professionals


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Executive Coaching Offers

Most Popular

- Coaching for Executives 

- Mentoring for Coaches on Growing their Digital Business 

- Mentoring for Non-Digital Native Executives on Building a Brand on LinkedIn 


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Do any of these sound like you?

I am an

experienced professional


and feel stuck about my future career path. I want to have more clarity and take actions.

I am

an expat/ executive


and my employer is going through a transformation. I want to navigate it more strategically.

I am a

professional/ founder


and want to implement better self-management strategies for work-life harmony.

I am a

non-digital native executive


and I need help with  building my digital presence and positioning on LinkedIn. 

Then one of these might also be true...

  • You feel stuck. You want to change careers and need clarity on finding a purpose aligned with your strengths, values, and your actions forward. 

  • You are working at a company undergoing a transformation, and you will/might  be laid off. As a result, you want to make decisions with ease and clarity.

  • Your work life is stressing you out, you are overloaded, overworked, and you have difficulty managing it. 

  • You have difficulty developing self-management strategies (e.g., Managing stress better, becoming better at delegating, getting better at self-marketing, positioning yourself, etc.) 

  • You are thriving at your corporate job, but your salary doesn`t reflect this. You want to negotiate your salary increase more strategically and don`t know how to negotiate.

  • You are in a career transition and want to be more strategic about what lies ahead (e.g., A new role, a new country, a new job, being unemployed, and wishing to reposition your digital brand.) 

  • You are or are becoming an expat. As an expat would like to understand and settle - into your new country and culture effectively.

Picture of a laptop and coffee_ Executive Career Coaching _Digital Marketing and Communications Strategy Page_www.coachdigital.chPicture of a laptop_coffee_ Career Coaching _Digital Marketing and Communications Strategy

Imagine how different your life could be when you:


  • Overcome self-doubt, get out of stuck mode and take strategic actions.

  • Discover and overcome your mindset barriers and move forward.

  • Harmonize your work and life without feeling guilty about it.

  • Confidently navigate a company transformation or lay-off and re-wire your career.

  • Build a digital brand for your professional brand positioning.

  • Get clarity on your next career journey.

  • Focus on your strengths and values to reach your goals. 

  • Take actions to build or grow the online business you are dreaming of.

  • Ask for the raise you deserve with a strategy and concrete actions.

  • Be an even better leader for your team. 

  • Confidently navigate your transition to a new country and culture as an expat.

That`s exactly where I can help you. 


With an ICF (International Coaching Federation) approved coaching education, combined with about 20 years of experience in leading roles across a range of Global Fortune 500 companies, agencies, and local start-ups, I can help you connect the dots to take meaningful actions toward your vision by being your trusted sounding board.

People with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds have partnered with me in their career journeys. Mid to senior-level executives from Fortune 500 companies, founders of local businesses, professors from international universities, teachers, directors, engineers, and medical doctors have trusted me as their coach.  Additionally, I have had the privilege of mentoring and supporting early-career professionals throughout my corporate tenure, and bring this perspective to my coaching practice.

See My Credentials Here

My coaching offer is not for you, if:

  • If you aren’t fully committed to your goal, aren’t willing to put in the work, and if you are looking for a magical and massive change. You will be required to put in the effort, show up for yourself, and take small & consistent actions.
  • If you are looking for a therapist or counsellor. Coaching is not therapy, mentoring, or consulting. I am not a therapist or counsellor. 
  • If you are looking for someone who will tell you step by step what to do, provide a one size fits all type of solution.
  • If setting aside 1 hour every 10 - 14 days just for yourself and working on your vision together sounds not manageable.
  • If you are looking for someone who has all the answers. Well, I certainly don`t to have all the answers. I have faced numerous challenges and have emerged from them with valuable insights that can help you as an accountability partner. For instance, on just the third month of relocating to a new country for a new job, I learnt that our team was impacted by a merger and the regional office where I worked was closed about one year later. Despite the setback, I successfully navigated this process to secure two international offers, ultimately landing a role in an industry and a new country I never worked before (Switzerland). Working in an emerging market and experiencing frequent restructuring every six or seven months taught me valuable skills and the ability to work with different leadership styles and personalities every time.  On the personal side, after an accident, I learned to even better harmonize work & personal life while caring for a physically challenged family member. 
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What can you expect?


In our coaching sessions, I use the OSKAR method developed many years ago. This is a framework that helps you focus on solutions, your stregths, values and actions rather than problems, which follows a growth mindset and a realistic optimism.

  • O: Outcome (Determining the outcome and goals.)
  • S: Situation (Clarifying the situation with different tools.)
  • C: Choices (Creating choices.)
  • A: Actions (Defining the next actions you`ll be taking before our next meeting.)
  • R: Review (Reviewing the plan on the way.)

What are the steps you can follow?


Step 1: Please have a look at the free resources on the website, my credentials, testimonials about coaching. The FAQ page  about coaching can also help you have an overview. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE FAQ PAGE.

Step 2: If you are interested in 1:1 Online Career Coaching, you can book a 30-minute free introduction call. CLICK HERE TO BOOK A 30 MIN. INTRODUCTION CALL. (In this call, we discover if your expectations and my coaching offer are a match.)

Step 3: If we decide to work together, you`ll receive a confidentiality agreement.

Step 4: After signing, we will be meeting online via Google, Zoom, or Skype.

1. Free Resources


Benefit from free e-books, checklists, guidelines, and other digital products to reach your goals.


View Free Resources Now

2.  Coaching 


Book a 30 min free "Introduction Call" to discover if your needs and my programme are a match.


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3. Online Store


Visit the online shop for digital products such as e - trainings, digital downloadables, and e - guides.


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