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 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Coaching


On this FAQ page about Coaching you can learn about:


Part 1: General Questions About Coaching

  1.  What is career coaching and how can it help me achieve my goals?
  2.  How can a career coach help you?
  3.  What are some questions that can be relevant in a career coaching conversation?
  4.  What do career coaches not do?
  5.  What is the difference between coaching, mentoring, therapy and consulting?
  6.  My 7 tips on how to find a career coach


Part 2: FAQ About Coaching Services Deep - Dive

1. What kind of coaching do you offer? 

2. Where can I find client testimonials about your coaching style? 

3. Do you offer mentoring services, too? 

4. In which languages do you do coaching?

5. Do you do only Online Coaching? 

6. How much time do I need to invest?


Part 1: General Questions About Coaching


1. What is coaching and how can it help me achieve my goals?

Quoting from ICF (International Coaching Federation) website on this resource here, “Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.”

Reference: ICF, the Gold Standard in Coaching | Read About ICF. (  

2. How can a career coach help you?

A career coach is someone who helps you as an accountability partner to achieve your career goals. They can do this by working with you to develop a personalised plan that will help you achieve your desired goal.

Are you unsure about what direction to take in your career, want to gain clarity on your purpose and vision or on how to make decisions when it comes time for career transitions, promotions, or negotiations, a coach can provide objective guidance and help find your own answers by using special coaching techniques and tools.

3. What are some questions that can be relevant in a career coaching conversation?

Here are examples of some questions that career coaches can help with:

  • How can I design a new career path?
  • What are my talents, strengths, values?
  • How can I find my career purpose and vision?
  • How can I start my own business?
  • How can I have a better work – life harmony? I have so much stress at work and this is affecting my life.
  • The company I work for X years is going through a transformation. I probably will lose my job. What can I do to take action to navigate this in a strategic way?
  • I want to do something different, and I don`t know my options. What can I do and how can I find clarity as a part of a career transition?
  • I want to better negotiate my salary. How can I prepare for this conversation in a strategic way?
  • I have a toxic boss or work environment, and this stresses me a lot. How can I navigate this better?
  • How can I manage my stress at work better?
  • How can I delegate better as a leader?
  • How can I prepare for a job interview better as a job seeker?
  • How can I position my professional brand on LinkedIn better?

4. What do career coaches NOT do?

  • A career coach does not provide a job to the person they are coaching.
  • A career coach is a therapist, not a counsellor or psychologist. A career coach will not provide any type of therapy for you. I am not a therapist or counsellor, either.
  • They will not provide the answers to you. They will help you find the answers by using special tools and question techniques.

5. What are the differences between Coaching, Mentoring, Therapy and Consulting? (Coaching vs mentoring vs Therapy vs Consulting)

Coaching, mentoring, therapy, and consulting are all distinct practices, each with its own unique purpose and approach. Here are the main differences:

  • Coaching: Coaching is a process where a coach helps a client develop specific skills, overcome challenges, and achieve their personal or professional goals. Coaches help clients to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and help them create action plans to reach their objectives. Coaching is future-oriented and focuses on enhancing a client's performance and potential.
  • Mentoring: Mentoring is a relationship where a more experienced mentor provides guidance, advice, and support to a less experienced mentee. Mentors share their expertise, knowledge, and insights to help mentees develop their skills and advance in their careers. Unlike coaching, mentoring is more focused on sharing wisdom and experience than on helping the mentee achieve specific goals.
  • Therapy: Therapy is a practice where a therapist helps clients overcome mental health issues, emotional challenges. Therapists use a variety of techniques, such as talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other evidence-based approaches to help clients address their issues and improve their well-being.
  • Consulting: Consulting is a service where a consultant provides expert advice and recommendations to help organizations solve or achieve specific goals. Consultants have deep expertise in a particular field or industry and use their knowledge to help clients make strategic decisions and implement best practices.

6. How do I choose the right coach for my needs?

Here are my 7 tips on how to find a career coach:

  1. Ask friends and family for recommendations.
  2. Look for coaches in your local area. You can use LinkedIn Search for this. Check their background and expertise areas.
  3. Ask Google and search online.
  4. This is optional, and I recommend checking if they have a coaching training, degree, accreditation or certificate from an accredited institution or university. ICF International Coaching Federation is only one of them and there are many local and international institutions or universities, too.
  5. Check for client testimonials.
  6. If a coach promises that they can find you a job, or give you a guarantee, I recommend questioning and solidifying this, as every client and situation is unique.
  7. Check if there is a contract in place with clear information on costs, duration of the programme, whether you will meet face to face or online, how long will the sessions take place and so on.

In this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about coaching, I tried to cover the following:

  • What is career coaching?
  • How can a career coach help you?
  • What are some questions that can be relevant in a career coaching conversation?
  • What do career coaches not do?
  • 5 tips on how to find a career coach
  • How do I choose the right coach for my needs?

Part 2: FAQ About Coaching Services Deep - Dive

1. What kind of coaching do you offer? 

I offer executive coaching, career transition coaching, salary negotiation coaching, interview coaching, and work-life harmony coaching for international business leaders and local entrepreneurs.

For LinkedIn, I offer 1:1 training and consulting services mainly for executives and business owners.

2. Where can I find client testimonials about your coaching style? 

Glad that you asked. Click here to read what clients said. (Testimonials)

3. Do you offer mentoring services, too? 

Yes, I do. It is different than coaching as you have read above. Interested?  Click here to book a free discovery call now.

4. In which languages do you do coaching?

English, Turkish and German. 

5. Are your services guaranteed? No, I do not guarantee any results. However, so far %88 of clients has been satisfied or extremely satisfied from the coaching or consulting services.

6. How much time do I need to invest?

It depends on the topic. Generally speaking, 3, 6 or 12 months. 

7. Are you on LinkedIn?

Yes. You can follow me on LinkedIn by clicking here.

8. Do you offer free resources

Yes. Click here to explore your free resources.


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What are the steps you can follow?


Step 1: Please have a look at the free resources on the website, my credentials, testimonials about coaching. The FAQ about coaching can also help you have an overview.

Step 2: If you are interested in 1:1 Online Career Coaching, you can book a 30-minute free discovery call by CLICKING HERE(In this call, we discover if your expectations and my coaching offer are a match.)

Step 3: If we decide to work together, you`ll receive a confidentiality agreement.

Step 4: After signing, we will be meeting online via Google, Zoom, or Skype. 


My coaching offer is not for you, if:

  • If you are looking for a therapist or counsellor. I am not a therapist or counsellor.
  • If you aren’t fully committed to your goal, aren’t willing to put in the work, and if you are looking for a magical and massive change. You will be required to put in the effort, show up for yourself, and take small & consistent actions.
  • If you are looking for someone who will tell you step by step what to do, provide a one size fits all type of solution.
  • If setting aside 1 hour every 10 - 14 days just for yourself and working on your vision together sounds not manageable.
  • If you are looking for someone who has all the answers. I don`t have all the answers, but I certainly have overcome some challenges professionally and personally and can help you as an accountability partner. 
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1. Free Resources


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2.  Coaching 


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3. Online Store


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